Dry Eye Disease (DED) is a group of conditions affecting all age groups, caused by insufficient volume and/or quality of tears to keep the surface well lubricated, causing severe discomfort.
Common symptoms include grittiness and burning sensation in the eyes, sensitivity to light, redness, watering and headache. Treatment for dry eyes makes the patient more comfortable, improving their quality of life.
The tear film and its components are formed by several structures in the eye. If any of these structures are affected, the quantity and quality of the tear film is affected, causing dry eye disease. Dry Eye Disease can significantly impact your quality of life and interfere with basic day-to-day activities like reading, driving, cooking, etc. You may consult expert ophthalmologists at our Dry Eye Clinic if you suffer from:
DED is a progressive condition that may re-occur or worsen if not treated adequately on time. The success of treatment advised by the eye doctor is mostly determined by the patient’s compliance (the patient correctly follows the health advice).
At Shantilal Shanghvi Eye Institute, we have a dedicated team of specialists to provide you with the best possible care to protect your Dry Eye.
A unit of Shantilal Shanghvi Foundation
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