Glaucoma (Kala Motia) is a group of eye conditions wherein either the optic nerve or the retina gets severely damaged due to pressure caused by various factors. In most cases, glaucoma is painless but keeps getting worse over time and it gradually damages the peripheral vision and then the central vision, if left unaddressed it leads to complete blindness. On time diagnosis and appropriate treatment play an important role in treating glaucoma but ways of preventing glaucoma entirely is still a pending research.
Glaucoma symptoms can differ from person to person, and in some cases, there may be no symptoms at the initial stage. However, if you begin to experience:
Glaucoma in children
While it is difficult to detect symptoms of Glaucoma in children, please visit an Ophthalmologist if you see or suspect any of the following:
At Shantilal Shanghvi Eye Institute, we offer a range of diagnostic, medical, and surgical services that enable us to reach an accurate diagnosis and effective management of Glaucoma.
A unit of Shantilal Shanghvi Foundation
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